The Moms Truth


All things mom..

Kids, wife, work..

Word Mom Graffiti

I am a mom who has been working online for over 20 years. I ​have never been in the spotlight online so bear with me. I have ​always been behind the scenes of big brands making money. But ​have a lot to share and a lot to say. So watch out world. I am ​ready to share my life with you. I get asked every day what I do ​and how I can help others. Well, here it is. I am finally doing it. ​We will talk about all things work and mom.

A Little

About me

New Start

Today starts a new adventure for me. This is a day I think I have always longed for. A day I can always call my own. I think as a mom, we always put everyone before ourselves, ​We never think to put ourselves first. Well today, it hit me like a ton of bricks. What am I doing? What will I be when my kids are all grown and away? All I do is work and ​take care of my kids. I love taking care of people, but I never ever put myself out there. Now is the time. I need to share my knowledge with others of how you too can make money ​working from home. I need to share with you what works, and what does not. What is so hard, what people don't understand.

Every single day people who know I work "from home" reach out to me asking me if they can work for me. As much as I wish I could hire people, it is just not that simple. And to ​be honest, I think, gosh, you don't support me when I need anything but you need something so now you ask me for help.

So here I am, working online thinking about how can I help you do what I do.If you want success online you have to work for it. It won't just come to you. ​It is not going to be overnight. I have put in over 20 years and still work around the clock, but I also get to decide when I work.

So here I am, starting today wanting to help you help me through this journey. I truly think that Is the best way we all can help each other Is together.

American football player

Mom Real Talk..Things People Won't Say Part 1

We are going to get real really quick Into this. Being a mom Is not easy. Kids are fun they said. Have a lot of kids they said. ​Put them In sports they said....

Where is the handbook for all of this?

Yes, I love being a mom. Are kids fun? Yes! Are kids hard? Yes! Do I regret having a lot of kids? Never! Do I get mad at ​how they act.. YES! But I love them with every single ounce of me.

These are all things that every single parent understands. Now here are some things that people don't ever want to say out ​loud.

Sports= Devil parents. Sports are amazing for kids. Creates disciple for them. Keeps them active. Helps to keep them out of ​trouble In the crazy world we are In. BUT, parents are Insane. Since when did sports become about the parents? I thought ​we were having our kids play sports for our kids? I guess I missed that memo.

A bloody muddy Rugby Player

Parents, realize you are doing your child a complete disservice by kissing up to the coaches to get your kids a position. This does no good for their life as they ​get older. They need to learn to work hard, they need to learn how to speak for themselves. They need to see that you are not the one making these moves ​for them. When they go off to college will you be there to carry them? They are young for a very short time. Don't destroy their childhood by overstepping ​your boundaries. You have 18 summers with them. Do your job. Raise good humans. Teach them what you are supposed to be teaching them. Allow the ​coaches to coach them. They will be okay. That I promise you...

Work It

Woman Working on Laptop

Work and life are such funny things to combine. People always want to do know to make money from home. Honestly, I would ​love to help everyone be successful working from home. I truly wish I had 4 of me.

People need to realize that It Is still working! Work still comes Into play here. The misconception that working from home Is ​sitting around watching tv and talking to friends etc Is not really what happens. I am able to do so many things, yes that I ​would not be able to If I had a 9-5 In an office and this Is exactly why I chose to work from home over 20 years ago.

When working from home you have so many options you can choose from and this Is why I love what I do! I do Affiliate Marketing, but that does not mean ​I don't also do many other things as well. They call all these opportunities Side Hustles for a reason. We can do many things on the side!

Handwriting text Side Hustle on a blue tag. Concept of extra cash. Colored clothespin around.

Affiliate Marketing

Selling Crafts and Items on an online Store.. Ex: Etsy, Amzon Shopify

Customer Support With An Online Company

Social Media Manager

Content Creator/ Course Creator

/ Online Expert

Why Do I not Choose A ​Network To Promote?

I personally like to promote offers that will pay out quickly. I also like to choose offers that are not offered that are going to get ​blacklisted such as offers on large networks due to the links being used constantly with spam traffic.

How We Feel Today?

I don't know about you, but every day I feel differently. I really think It depends on how my life Is In general. I try to not overthink It all, but I end up ​overthinking everything. Trust, People, School, Work, Life..

I have conversations with people who I think are real, whom I can trust, and then turn around and find out I can't. I sure can't be the only one that ​feels this way? I feel like my go-to person Is not even someone whom I have known forever and just gets me. No judgment, Just understanding. BUT! I will ​say this, they also don't have kids that are my kid's age. So there Is not that competition with our kids. I think that competition with kids is so Insane ​that people truly lose who they are In order for their child to be whom they want their child to be, not who their child wants to be.

This leads me to a great another topic.

How are you setting your child up for success?

Setting your child up for success Is much more than just sports. But I do think that people truly think of It only when sports come Into play.

The funny thing Is that my friends who are In the online marketing Industry all feel the same way as I do, which could be why we do all get along so ​well. We want to set our children up for life success. Not just success In sports. I want to make sure my kids understand the value of a dollar. Value of ​work. That you have to work hard to get what you want and that It can not be just handed to you.

Then also set them up an online job that they can do forever. This Is a perfect opportunity for Side Hustle for you and your child to do together. Find what ​you both love to do and make It a hobby and job together. Create a Shopify store, Etsy Shop, Course, Ebooks Etc. Whatever you can do to help your child ​be successful. But also make sure they understand how to work and not just do It for them. My kids still have other jobs. Working In grunt hard labor jobs ​to know what hard work Is.

What Makes You Successful?

I guess this should be a question we all really think about. Right?

People often will ask you what Is your Why? And at times we think that Is such a simple answer. Kids, family, things we want, etc.

But sometimes we really have to question what really makes us really successful. Do you have things that you love to do so It Is fun to ​work on and you can be successful In doing them? Do you love your job? Do you love your clients? Do you love just being busy?

There are days I think some of my whys will change, but at the end of the day, My Why still always pretty much stays the same. I do what ​I do so I can provide for my family. It Is that simple. I know that If I don't do my job, I am not providing for my family so I don't allow ​myself the option to fail. Failing Is not an option. Have a bad day.. Yes. We are all granted that grace In having a bad day. But we can not ​allow ourselves the grace of failure. You can pick yourself up and move on to the next thing and be successful at that. My job allows every ​day to be different and I think that Is why I am successful at It. I need the daily change. I need to see the new amazing offers that are ​online to help people be successful with working online as well.


What Do I Look For In An Offer To Work With

This Is a question that I get all the time. What do I look for when I am either taking on a client with their offer or what do I look for when ​I am promoting an offer. I sure wish that there was a simple answer to this. But In all honesty, there Is not.

I have been extremely blessed to work with people who have a blue ocean of a product. Which makes It amazing for affiliates to promote ​because It Is not like all the other offers that they get from everyone else. With that said, we also have to make sure we position It so It Is ​a fit for people and really work hard to make sure It Is going to convert since the offers are not your "normal" offers that people are used to.

This Is where my skills do come In handy with the affiliates, Is that since I have been doing this for so many years, I do know how the ​market changes and how to adapt to those changes. I also know how to help make offers convert based on someone's traffic and how they are ​normally conditioned to convert. People tend to think that If It converts well with cold traffic It will convert great with warm/email traffic and ​unfortunately that Is just not the case as much as we would love for It to be.

Look for offers to promote that people know the offer. That people know how It converts. That they know to make It convert for your audience. ​It promise you, you will be happy with these Ideas.


Do you often feel like you are being used?

Used because you are kind and will help people out?

Used because people think you have something they want or need and can benefit them?

Used because you truly love to help people and some people see right through that?

Gosh, I get It. Let me ask you when Is enough? When do you just stop being the nice one? When do you just stop thinking someone will ​actually do something kind for you In return? Are we supposed to give up on people? Or are we supposed to just keep getting walked all over? ​This Is an honest question. What Is expected of us?

I feel like with work, I help people, they then steal my Ideas and use them as their own. 20 years experience..

I promote someone, they don't promote us back.

I make someone a lot of money, and that Is It.

What Is your breaking point? Really? I need to know.. I feel like some days I am at mine.

Stop Sign
Stop Sign

Being Used

purple heart
purple heart
purple heart

Your Light

Have you ever heard someone say the moment or the person who stole the light from you.. your child?

When I had first heard It, I honestly did not think much of It. I thought well my kids are strong. My kids can't fend for themselves. That won't happen. But It ​did and It always will. Look for the moment your child changes. Have a talk with them as to what Is going on and why you are seeing a difference with them. ​Have uncomfortable conversations with them and just listen. Don't judge them. Don't yell at them. Just listen. Don't say back.. how mad you are. Just listen to ​them. Let them know that are you there. Let them know you will be there however, they need you to be there. They need you to be the crazy mom.. You will be ​the crazy mom! They want to act like It never happened.. You won't bug them about It again. (even though you will be dying inside.) Let them help you figure out ​how to handle the situation so they can be okay with It. No. I am not saying be all It's all up to you honey. I am saying Don't Engage In the Drama. It Is ​NOT Your Drama. It Is Their Drama. For the most part, kids are kids and are over It In a short time. But as parents, we hold onto It forever. If we keep bringing ​It up to them, It makes that Incident happen all over again to them. You check on them. You talk to them. You make sure they are okay. But you don't make ​them hate life. You Don't make them change because of one bad person.

We are all learning. Lets just help each other!

Struggle Bus

I know it has been a little while since I have posted on here. To be honest, Just a lot has been on my mind and it has been ​challenging.

I know that I am not alone when I say that. I know that a lot of us moms struggle and you know what. That is okay! It is okay to ​struggle and it is okay to find something that keeps you busy when you struggle.

What do you do when you are struggling? How do you cope? Here are some ways I cope. Not sure if this helps anyone but I thought I ​would share.

  • I work a lot. I really dive into my work and even find more work to do.
  • I find ways to help others. I will volunteer with places that need help so that I can see that others are much worse off than I ​am and to suck it up butter cup.
  • I find people who I want to hang out with. People who make me happy.
  • I do also just lock myself in my room. Yes.. I said it. I lock myself in my room and just need that alone time. It is good for my ​soul.

Work at Home Opportunities

When I say I work.. Yes I am lucky enough that I work from home. I have been working from home for over 20 years.

Yes there have been some flops, but there have many many more amazing opportunities than flops or I would not be doing it still and be ​able to be successful. For me I think that I like the ability to change things up.

I have created a great book for you to check out so you can see some amazing opportunities that are here to help other moms like me.

It is completely free!

Hope you enjoy it!